The Bartlett Pond Park revegetation plan approved by the Pine Barrens Commission in April 2012 designated sites for a Community Garden. These are CG areas A and B located west and south of the historic MI Schoolhouse in the plan above. The Alliance worked with Town of Brookhaven officials and other agencies to accomplish this important establishment on Middle Country Road. We visited other successful community gardens in Suffolk County and have drawn inspiration and ideas from many helpful neighbors. The Town of Brookhaven supplied the compost for the beds and the water source. We were extremely fortunate to partner with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County’s “Creating Healthy Places to Live, Work and Play” initiative. Guidance and support from these experts have been essential in creating the new Longwood Victory Garden.
Two Eagle Scout candidates from Boy Scout Troop 433 in Middle Island (chartered by the MI Fire Department) committed to these undertakings: one supervised the construction, installation and compost-filling of 15 raised garden beds, 12 of which are 4 x 12 feet ft. and three of which are 3 x 9 feet. Three of the larger beds are also double height for easier access. A second Scout installed a deer fence and gate system around the garden perimeter. This will protect crops from deer damage and also secure garden tools and water resources. The Alliance sought out grant monies, donations and assistance to support these tasks, which are two more in a growing list of Scout service projects that have benefitted BPP.
Interested Gardeners can now apply for a garden plot by downloading and completing these two documents:
LVG application and contact info LVG bed adoption agreement and gardening guidelines
LVG application and contact info