November Update: TOB Streelighting Director Bruce Schroeder informed us that work is scheduled to begin on the broken lights along MCR the week of November 24th. In an email to the 4th Council District Office, Bruce explained, “We are not just fixing the lights but replacing them with the new LED energy efficient light fixtures. This is why it is taking a little longer than normal.” This is a great news, which the Coram, MI and Godon Heights civics thank Bruce for!
October Update: The Town of Brookhaven cleaned out the mattresses, debris and litter left over from a mini-tent city on the parcel east of the Mott House. With trees losing their leaves, this spot will be easier to monitor in the coming months. At various Meet-the-Candidates nights, current NY state officials and office seekers were advised of the chronic problems afflicting the MCR corridor and each promised to help.
The SCPD 6th Precinct stepped up enforcement of many quality of life violations, especially prostitution and drug peddling. MICA and Coram Civic presidents Gail Lynch-Bailey and Erma Gluck attended the precinct’s community meeting for updates on crime and arrest statistics, and COPE officers began attending our local monthly civic meetings as well, giving attendees the opportunity to speak confidentially with officers should the need arise.Thanks to the wonderful invitation of Gordon Heights Civic President James Freeman, we also attended the GH Clerical Council meeting on October 24th; this forum covered a wide range of problems and solutions for all of our hamlets and featured many public officials from the Congressional level to the town level.
MICA completed an inventory of non-functioning street lights and broken fixtures along MCR, starting just east of the Coram Stop’n’Shop center out to Wading River Hollow Road. A total of 35 lights were out! These locations were forwarded to the Town of Brookhaven, which is responsible for maintianing the lights even though RT 25 is a NYS road.
Two huge new graffiti tags appeared in Middle Island (deliberatley not pictured here so as to deny the vandals’ desires for further recognition): one on the old Island Squire restaurant and the other on the residential fence just east of the King Kullen shopping center. These were photographed and forwarded to the Town of Brookhaven, whose law investigators will contact the property owners and advise them of their need to paint over the messes– again!