By now many of us have received our ballots to use in the Mail Only voting for the Longwood School Budget Vote, Board of Education Election and Longwood Public Library Trustee Election.
Please use the links above to read more about the proposed budget, the three candidates for the 2 seats on the BOE, and the two candidates for the one seat on the LPL Board of Trustees. Be sure to return your ballet, after marking your choices on BOTH sides on the sheet, in the postage paid envelope provided. Note that said envelope contains your name and return address on the upper left corner, and that you must SIGN and date the back of the envelope. ( You do not sign your ballot — confidentiality is maintained in this manner.) All ballots are due back via the mail to the District Clerk no later than 5pm on Tuesday, June 9, 2020.
If you have not received your ballot yet, please give it a few more days before contacting the District Clerk, by email at Please be patient and courteous with our friend Lillian. Hers has been a Herculean task in preparing and mailing about 43,000 ballots to the registered voters (based on SC Board of Election data) in our huge Longwood district. Naturally it will also take some time for the ballots to be counted by election workers and the results certified.
If you are concerned about your ballot reaching the school in time, we recommend mailing it from inside the MI Post Office lobby, in the “Middle Island Only” slot, no later than June 8th. The mail in that collection bin does NOT leave our area for processing.
Remember, there will be NO budget increase for the Longwood Library next year!